A fast efficient procedure for computing failure probability of uncertain structural systems
  Revised:September 07, 2004
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KeyWord:structural system,failure probability,failure mode,degree of dependence
GUO Shu-xiang
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      A fast efficient procedure for computing failure probability of structural systems was presented.In the procedure,computation of failure probability of structural systems was carried out by computing the weighting coefficients of failure probabilities that corresponding to all failure modes,via determining the degree of dependence between failure modes that defined in the paper.Because the computation of the joint probabilities of failure modes is not required,not only the computational cost may be low,but also the corresponding errors may be eliminated.Essentially,the formulation used in the paper to calculate failure probability of structural system is accurate.So,a high accuracte results can be obtained.Three numerical examples were provided to illustrate the validity and feasibility of the presented procedure.