Thermal-elastic-plastic finite element analysis of reinforced slabs under fire-based on S-R decomposition theorem (Ⅰ:Theories)
  Revised:December 21, 2004
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KeyWord:fire,S-R decomposition theorem,large deformation,co-moving coordinate,thermal-elastic-plastic,finite element
GAO Li-tang  SONG Yu-pu  DONG Yu-li
Hits: 1678
Download times: 13
      Experiment revealed that reinforced flexural concrete members in fire underwent large deformations with large rotations,especially in slabs exposed to fire on one face.Updated co-moving coordinate finite element based S-R decomposition theorem is convenient to track deformations of points in the deformed configures,to assure the mass equilibrium of element.It could avoid to modify the coordinates of points in the incremental solver of finite element.Regarding rotations as an independent freedom,efficiency is improved.So it is very suitable to geometrical non-linearity and material non-linearity problem.The finite element program with the method is developed for reinforced concrete slabs.The temperature path is difficult to determine in an incremental time,thus,initial value equations of concrete thermal-elastic-plastic integration under plane stress state is presented.Analytical and experimental results for the fire tests are basically in good agreement,indicating that reliable results can be achieved with high efficiency.