A numerical method for constraint stabilization of dynamic equations of multi-body systems
  Revised:February 26, 2005
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KeyWord:multi-body system,holonomic and steady constraint,differential-algebraic equation,stabilization
FU Shi-hui  WANG Qi
Hits: 1833
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      Dynamic equations of multi-body systems with holonomic constraints are differential-algebraic equations.In order to be solved numerically,they are generally transformed into ordinary differential equations by differentiating constraint equations.However,during the numerical integration of those ordinary differential equations,the constraints are violated more and more.In this paper, a new method of constraint stabilization is put forward based on Baungarte's stabilization.According to the method,the dynamic equations of multi-body systems with holonomic and steady constraints are given in the matrix form of modified Lagrange's canonical equations with multipliers.The numerical simulation of a slider-crank mechanism shows that the computational precision of this method is higher than that of other methods.And the numerical simulation for long is not false,which benefits to the numerical calculation of Lyapunov exponents of multi-body systems.