Numerical study of the protuberance effects on capillary electrophoresis separation in the micro-channel
  Revised:December 06, 2004
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KeyWord:microfluid,capillary electrophoresis,micro-fluidic chip,finite volume method
XU Zheng  LI Yong-qian  LIU Chong  CHEN Guo-qiang  WANG Li-ding
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      Numerical simulation and theoretical analysis are developed on the effect of protuberances to electrophoresis separation in micro-channel.The reasons for forming protuberances on a micro-channnel surface and their effect on electrophoresis separation are analyzed.The physics governing equations and the discrete formations for capillary electrophoresis separation are presented too.The program of numerical simulation for electrophoresis separation is developed,in which the distribution of electric field,electroosmotic velocity and concentration of species are simulated with finite volume method.The effects of structural parameters for protuberances on electrophoresis separation are described.According to the results the height of protuberances is critical for electrophoresis separation,as ratio of protuberances height to micro-channel width increases from 0 to 0.2,the velocity of electroosmotic flow decreases about 20%.