Friction sliding cable element for structural analysis of prestressed steel truss
  Revised:August 13, 2004
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KeyWord:cable,cable structure,prestressed steel truss,friction sliding cable element,finite element method
WEI Jian-dong
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      To simulate the sliding of continuous cable at supports in finite element analysis of prestressed steel truss,one new element taking friction into consideration is developed.Friction sliding cable element is called to this new three-node element,which takes the support as the middle node.Based on the analytical solutions of elastic catenary,elastic catenary element was developed,and the tension stiffness at two ends were derived firstly.Friction sliding cable element is composed of two elastic catenary elements,and its two tensions at middle node satisfy the given friction relation by apportioning the unstrained cable length of the new element to the two cable segment,based on the sliding direction,difference of tensions,friction force and sliding stiffness at the middle node.Examples proved the correctness and effectiveness of the arithmetic,analysis of the designed prestressed steel truss showed its usages in structural analysis during tension and in service.This new element can be incorporated into conventional finite element analysis schemes,to analysis the cable structures with sliding cable in service or under construction.