Structure damage location model matching method based on static information
  Revised:October 25, 2004
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KeyWord:structure,damage identification,static information,model matching method
ZHAO Qi-lin  ZHAI Ke-wei  ZHANG Zhi  HU Ye-ping
Hits: 1461
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      To locate the damages of the structure precisely,in this article,the finite element basic equation is used to separate the variables of the structure damage degree from the displacement matrix of the measure point,so the damage vector which indicates the damage position and can be computed with the deformation of non-damage structure is defined.The damage position can be located precisely through calculating the correlative coefficient of the displacement matrix and the damage vector as Pearson correlative coefficient and comparing magnitude of the correlative coefficient for different elements.Three examples of two numerical simulations and one model examination in the end of this article indicate that this method is very precise considered the measure error and the model error.