Dynamic buckling of cracked beams with initial geometric imperfections subject to axial impact
  Revised:September 16, 2004
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KeyWord:dynamic buckling,cracked beams,initial geometric imperfection,impact
HE Yuan-song  TANG Wen-yong  ZHANG Sheng-kun
Hits: 1794
Download times: 9
      This paper investigates the dynamic buckling of a cracked beam with geometric imperfections subject to impacting.For a cracked beam,the dynamic buckling control equations are derived from Hamilton's principle using the first order shear deformation theory.The discrete equations are obtained using the finite difference method.The effect of crack is taken into account in buckling control equations using line-spring model of fracture mechanics.According to the BR dynamic buckling criterion,the critical velocity of dynamic buckling of cracked beams is obtained.In addition,the effects of impact velocity and initial geometric imperfections on the impact dynamic buckling of perfect beams and cracked beams are discussed.