Fuzzy semi-active control of stay cables using magnetorheological dampers
  Revised:October 25, 2004
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KeyWord:stay-cables,fuzzy control,semi-active,MR damper
CHEN Shui-sheng
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      Taking the bending stiffness and static sag into consideration,the space nonlinear vibration partical differential equations are derived.The equations are discretized in space by finite center difference approximation,then the nonlinear differential equations are obtained for the in-plane vibration of the cables-dampers system.A semi-active control strategy,the MR(Magnetorheological Dampers) dampers are used as actuators,is presented based on the fuzzy set theory.And a vibration control of the cables-dampers system is analyzed by the proposed strategy.The proposed method has some advantage of inherent robustness,and easy to handle the nonlinear characteristics of the structure,because there is no longer the needs for an exact mathematical model of the structure,and needs to know a few input variables from the vibration sensors,which will deal with the difficulty of testing response information of the structure vibration.The output of the present method is directly inputed to the MR dampers as input voltage,and the fuzzy logical controller can be easiby evaluated in the real civil engineering structure.Compared with the LQR-Clipped method,in which the MR dampers' voltage only can be Zero or Maximum,the present method can make desired voltage value for MR dampers.As numerical examples,the practical cables are analyzed for freedom vibration.The research results demonstrate that the present method can get better effectiveness than both passive off control and passive on control,and almost the same effectiveness as LQR-Clipped strategy.However,smaller control force is needed in the present method than the LQR-Clipped method.It means that the proposed strategy can promote efficiency of the MR Dampers.