Numerical study of the three-dimensional free surface in cylindrical tank
  Revised:November 20, 2004
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KeyWord:free surface,finite-element method,surface tension,contact angle
YUE Bao-zeng
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      The dynamis problem of contained three-dimensional liquid free surface is numerically studied.The ALE(Arbitrary Lagrange-Euler) kinematic description is introduced into the governing equilibrium equations so that the liquid free surface can be tracked by using ALE description method.The computational procedure to determine the normal vector on free surface is presented.The discrete numerical equations of finite element method are developed by Galerkin weighted residual method.The boundary condition about free-surface tension is represented in the weak integration form which can be computed by the differential geometry method derived in this paper.The effect of contact angle is also incorporated in the numerical algorithm.The computer program compiled can be used to simulate the three-dimensional free surface dynamics problems. Finally,the numerical computations have been performed and the comparison between computed results and analytical results have validated the effectiveness of the method. The results of this study provide us the fundamental understandings of the dynamics of the liquid free surface on which the surface tension and contact angle boundary conditions are taken into account.