A high-rised structural intelligent form optimization method and support system based on fuzzy inference network
  Revised:June 25, 2004
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KeyWord:high-rised structure,intelligent form optimization,method and intelligent support system,fuzzy inference network
ZHANG Shi-hai  LIU Xiao-yan  OU Jin-ping  WANG Guang-yuan
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      At first,an improved weight fuzzy inference network having the common algorithms' advantages of fuzzy composite evaluation,fuzzy inference and fuzzy inference network is set up and the topological structure and algorism of the network are also given.Then,an optimum selection method which based on fuzzy composite evaluation is given.With the integration of the optimum selection method with six performance evaluating networks,an integral inference network framework of performance evaluation and optimum selection decision is set up and its topological structure diagram and decision functions are also given.At the same time,the structural intelligent form-optimization support system based on the above method is also constructed.Finally,a case study of an engineering application is given,the result fits well with real engineering projects,which proves that the method presented in this paper can in an intuitive manner express,store up and make use of all kinds of information and maneuver used by domain experts.The result also proves that the method which can effectively overcome the deficiency of traditional form-optimization system based on fuzzy logic and neural network,is an effective way in solving multi-objective,multi-level and un-certain problems of structural form optimization.