A simple and effective triangular element with rotating degree of freedom
  Revised:November 22, 2004
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KeyWord:rotating degree of freedom,zero energy mode,triangular element,finite element
ZHAO Zhen-feng  HUANG Ming  SHEN Chang-yu  GUO Heng-ya
Hits: 1577
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      Based on the original Allman's element with rotating degree of freedom,which has the well-known spurious zero energy mode,a modified element was derived.It was proved that the rotating degree of freedom in Allman's element had no exact physical meaning.To solve the problem,a parameter was introduced.By letting the rotating degree of freedom at the element's nodes equal to the rotation defined in elasticity,the value of the parameter was determined,which also led to an additional equation that eliminated the spurious zero energy mode.The concrete examples show that the new element has the same precision as the original Allman's element did,but no spurious zero energy mode.It is proved that the rotating degree of freedom in the present element can correctly pass the twist moment.