Sliding cable element of structural analysis on cable-held bridge
  Revised:March 09, 2004
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KeyWord:cable,cable structure,cable-held bridge,sliding cable element,finite element method
WEI Jian-dong
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      In order to simulate the sliding of continuous cable in structural analysis of the cable-held bridge,one new element was developed in this paper.This new three-node element,which is called sliding cable element,can simulate the cable sliding under a pulley by point contact,and it simplifies computations by automatically adjusting the cable segments on each side of the pulley.The derivation was based on the foundational principles of finite element analysis,and the analytical solutions of elastic catenary,the relation of the forces in the element at equilibrium state was used.This paper describes the algorithms used by this new element,and provides examples to prove their correctness,the vertical displacement behaviors of the deck in one cable-held bridge were studied when the sliding is permitted.This new element can be incorporated into conventional finite element analysis schemes,to analysis the cable structures in service or under construction.