Modified PIC method for numerical simulation of sea ice dynamics
  Revised:August 31, 2004
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KeyWord:Particle-In-Cell(PIC),Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics(SPH),sea ice dynamics,numerical method
WANG Rui-xue  JI Shun-ying  YUE Qian-jin
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      The effective numerical method is very important to model the sea ice dynamic process accurately.In this paper,a modified Particle-In-Cell(PIC) method for sea ice dynamics,coupling the finite different(FD) method and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics(SPH),is presented.In this method, the ice cover is,firstly,scattered into a series of Lagrangian ice particles, which have their own size,thickness,concentration and velocity.The ice thickness and concentration at Eulerian grid positions are interpolated using Gaussian interpolating function from their surrounding ice particles.The momentum equation of sea ice dynamics is solved with FD approach to obtain the Eulerian cell velocity,which is used to estimate the velocity of each Lagragian ice particle with Gaussian function also.The thickness and concentration of ice particle are calculated with their mass density and smooth length,which are adjusted from their movement and current location.With this modified PIC method,the numerical simulations of ice ridging in an idealized rectangular basin and ice dynamics in Bohai Sea are carried out,and the simulating results are compared well with the analytical solution and observed data on site.