Coupling dynamics of Timoshenko beam with shear deformation
  Revised:July 07, 2004
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KeyWord:shear deformation,Timoshenko beam,coupling dynamics,
LI Bin  LIU Jin-yang  HONG Jia-zhen
Hits: 2135
Download times: 8
      In this paper,the coupling dynamics of a Timoshenko beam attached to a central rigid body is investigated.Based on continuum medium mechanics and Timoshenko beam assumption,the coupling dynamic equations of flexible beam attached to a central rigid body are derived by using virtual work principle and nonlinear strain-displacement theory.Simulation results show that the shear effect is significant with the increase of the proportion of the inertia moment to the cross-section area and the increase of the rotation speed of the beam has no effect on the difference between the two models of the beam.Furthermore,the applicability of the Euler-Bernoulli assumption in which the shear effect is ignored is investigated.