Damage identification and experimental study on the beam suffered from crack damage by Rayleigh-Ritz algorithm
  Revised:February 19, 2004
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KeyWord:modal strain energy,modal subspace,damage identification,quadratic linear programming,numerical model,crack
TANG Tian-guo  ZHU Yi-wen  LIU Hao-wu  CHEN Chun-hua
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      The change of dynamic characteristics predicts structural damage.Based on Ritz linear approximation,a method is proposed for identifying crack damage location and its severity.With model subspace approximation,model strain energy expression does not include the global stiffness and mass matrices,and model error is eliminated,and the coupling influence of damage location and severity is also separated,and damage location is recognized.Damage severity is identified with the quadratic linear programming,and the linear restrain conditions insure the solution of the quadratic programming problem exclusive. Numerical computation and model experiment are conducted on a simple-supported beam,and has found the exact location and seveity of crack damage,error comparison is implemented.It demonstrates that the method has better identification precision.The global numerical model matrix is not involved in the damage equations.Boundary conditions,joint conditions and material characteristic parametres have no interference on identification results.The method is feasible to structural damage identification.