Third-order semi-discrete central-upwind scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws
  Revised:March 25, 2004
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KeyWord:hyperbolic conservation laws,central-upwind schemes,semi-discrete,reconstruction
CHEN Jian-zhong  SHI Zhong-ke
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      A third-order semi-discrete central-upwind scheme for one-dimensional system of conservation laws was presented.The scheme is extended to two-dimensional hyperbolic conservation law by the dimension-by-dimension approach.The presented scheme is based on the one-sided local speed of wave propagation.In order to guarantee the accuracy of spatial discretizaiton,a third-order reconstruction is introduced in this paper.The time integration is implemented by using the third-order TVD Runge-Kutta method.The resulting scheme retains the main advantage of the central-schemes simplicity,namely no Riemann solvers are involved and hence characteristic decompositions can be avoided.A variety of numerical experiments in both one and two dimensions are computed.The results show the high accuracy and high resolution of the scheme.