Direct analysis for plate and shell by three-dimensional element free Galerkin method
  Revised:April 26, 2004
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KeyWord:meshfree method,element free Galerkin method,plate and shell,direct three-dimensional continuum approach,numerical locking
ZHANG Wei  ZHANG Xiong  LU Ming-wan
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      There are three approaches in numerical simulation of plate and shell structures: plate and shell theory approach,degenerated continuum approach,direct three-dimensional(3D) continuum approach.Because meshfree methods can easily establish approximation functions with C_1or higher order of continuity,they are widely used in Kirchhoff-Love shell theory.When applying in Mindlin-Reissner shell theory,meshfree methods fall into the dilemma of numerical locking.Among these three approaches,direct 3D continuum approach is the simplest and most accurate one in principle.However,it is the least popular one in practice because of innate drawbacks of FEM.Because of the high order of continuity of approximation functions,meshfree method could deploy only 2 layers~5 layers of particles to capture the field gradient in the thickness direction,and at the same time,it also could alleviate locking in some ranges of factors.This approach shows great advantages when treating with materials with complicated constitutive law,and nonlinear shell.In this paper,element free Galerkin method and direct 3D continuum approach are employed to analyze the problems of linear plate and shell,and numerical results are compared with those obtained by finite element method.Finally,numerical locking is investigated.