Shape optimization for truss structures based on decomposition method
  Revised:December 11, 2003
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KeyWord:truss structures,decomposition optimization,shape optimization
SUI Yun-kang  GAO Feng  LONG Lian-chun  DU Jia-zheng
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      For shape optimization of truss structures,the design variables are separated into two kinds of bar sectional size and nodal position by multi-level decomposition optimization method.The solution process is divided into two steps.At the first step,supposing all nodal positions are unchangeable.The bar sectional sizes are optimized to make the weight of the structure minimized under constraints of stress,displacement and local stability.At the second step,supposing the active displacement constraints of the first step keeping unchanged.A quadratic programming model that increases the structural rigidity is solved.The obtained new nodal positions subject to the constraints and make the value of the objective function equal to or less than that of the first step.The two steps alternatively executed until convergence comes off.