Solving elasticity problems with bi-modulus via a smoothing technique
  Revised:March 29, 2004
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KeyWord:dual extension-compression modulus,smooth function,initial stress,finite element,thermal stress
YANG Hai-tian  ZHU Ying-li
Hits: 1458
Download times: 8
      Constitutive non-linearity and discontinuity are dominant difficulties in solving elastic bi-modular problems either analytically or numerically.In this paper,maximum/mimimum functions are utilized to describe the non-linear relationship of stress and strain,and smoothly approximated by a set of entropy principle based smoothing functions.The smoothed constitutive equation is combined with an initial stress scheme to set up a FEM based numerical model that may lead to a higher computing efficiency since the stiffness matrix needs to be triangularized one time only in the whole computing process,and can avoid the inconvenience induced by choosing shear modulus.8-node iso-parameteric finite element is adopted in the computing.A number of numerical examples are presented to verify the proposed algorithm,and compared satisfactorily with other solutions.Additionally,A bi-modular thermal stress analysis is given.