A feasibility analysis of several numerical schemes for solving hydro-elastic-plastic problems
  Revised:February 23, 2004
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KeyWord:hydro-elastic-plastic,conservational equations,CE/SE,CIP,Roe,MUSCL,
WANG Jing-tao  YU Chang-ping  LIU Kai-xin
Hits: 1980
Download times: 13
      In this paper,the feasibilities for hydro-elastic-plastic model with four famous fluid dynamics numerical methods,namely,CE/SE,CIP,Roe and MUSCL are investigated.The mechanical process involving strong discontinuity in elastic mediums and the one-dimensional shock tube problem are simulated,by using the four methods.By analyzing the numerical results carefully,one could preliminarily conclude that CE/SE method and MUSCL method are better for solving hydro-elastic-plastic problems.Due to the clear physics concepts in the construction process and the higher-resolution,CE/SE method is the most suitable for computing hydro-elastic-plastic problems in the four schemes.To test the capability in detail,CE/SE method is also performed to simulate a hydro-elastic-plastic problem,which is the wavy interface generation process in explosive welding of steel-copper plates and aluminum-copper plates.The computational results are very similar to the experimental ones.