Recursive stochastic finite element method
  Revised:December 09, 2003
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KeyWord:random structures,spectral stochastic finite element method,non-orthogonal polynomials chaos,recursive stochastic finite element method
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      A new spectral stochastic finite element method for the solution of static problems involving material variability is proposed.The method is called as recursive random finite element method in this paper.The random material properties such as modulus of elasticity are represented using Karhunun-Loeve expansion or other transformation.Random structural response is expressed as non-orthogonal polynomials chaos expansion.So the control equation of random static problem can be formed using FEM,which is a matrix equation containing many uncorrelated random variables.Then a series of deterministic recursive equations are set up through non-orthogonal polynomials of the same order.Such method is similar in form to perturbation method,but it can solve static problem including random variables at large fluctuation levels.A static response problem of random cantilever beam under centralized load is investigated.Compared with traditional perturbation stochastic FEM,the results obtained using the new method are more close to that of Monte-Carlo simulation when fluctuation of random variables becomes large.