Calculation of cable erection in suspension bridge with sliding saddles
  Revised:August 18, 2003
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KeyWord:suspension bridge,cable,saddle,elastic catenary,analytical iteration method
WEI Jian-dong~*  LIU Zhong-yu
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      In order to analyseis the erection of suspension bridge,the longitudinal curve of sliding cable saddle,assembled by arcs is first mathematically characterized.Based on the analytical solutions of elastic catenary,the method to analysis the cable span with two fixed ends is established,and finally the method to analyse cable span between two saddles is developd and is used to find the constructed state determined by controlling geometrical parameters,such as sag at middle span.Corresponding to the construction state,by sliding the saddles to the equilibrium state,important parameters such as pre-displacements of saddles,sags of cable spans,tension of wire strands and positions of hanger bands can be valued,and used to guide construction.The weights of anchorage cable saddles,and the elastic displacements of the saddle backstop induced by construction of beam,can be considered in this analytical iterative method.Examples show this method is correct.Engineering example shows saddles with different longitudinal curves have less effect to statics results of the structural analysis,and neglecting the weight of saddles enlarges the tensile forces of wire strands at anchorage span.If it is used to guide the construction,the elevation would be higher than expected in design.