Decomposition algorithm on structural dynamic inversion with incomplete input information
  Revised:November 25, 2003
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KeyWord:structure,dynamic inversion,decomposition algorithm,convergence
XIE Xian-zhong~1  YI Wei-jian~
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      A new time domain identification method called Decomposition Algorithm(DA) is proposed in this paper for solving structural parameter identification with incomplete input information,which is applied to the case when the loads acting on some parts of the structure are known.The method obviates entirely the mutual influence between parameters identification and loads inversion,and decreases the calculaton scale of the problem.Using DA algorithm,the unknown parameters and loads of linear parameter system can be identified directly.When combined with Relaxation Method,DA algorithm is also available to nonlinear parameter system.A numerical example of truss bridge is given for evaluating the validity of the method.The noise free measurements as well as noise included measurements are considered in the numerical analysis processes to verify the robustness of the proposed algorithm,and the results show that DA algorithm has favorable characteristics,such as high efficiency,insensitivity to initial parameter guess and adaptability.