Application of homogenization theory to viscoelastic multilayered composites
  Revised:December 16, 2003
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KeyWord:micromechanics,multilayered media,homogenization,the correspondence principle,effective relaxation moduli,
LIU Wen-hui~1  ZHANG Xin-ming~1  ZHANG Chun-yuan~
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      There are two basic theories in continuum micromechanics for obtaining the effective properties of a heterogeneous medium based on the information of the microstructures,the average-field theory and the asymptotic homogenization theory.In this paper,the research survey and recent progress in viscoelastic homogenization is briefly reviewed,and the problem of viscoelastic multilayered media is studied,the matrix is assumed linear and isotropic viscoelastic and the reinforcement is linear and isotropic elastic.Based on the homogenization of linear elastic multilayered media,the correspondence principle in viscoelasticity is applied and the problem in the Carson domain is solved.The inversion to the time domain of the effective relaxation moduli and the effective Poisson coefficients of multilayered media is carried out when the Burgers model is used to represent the viscoelastic behavior of the matrix.Finally,comparisons with experimental results and other results are presented.