A numerical analysis of stress intensity factors for cracks emanating from an elliptical hole in a rectangular plate subjected to internal pressure
  Revised:November 10, 2003
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KeyWord:crack,intensity factor,boundary element,crack tip element,displacement discontinuity element
YAN Xiang-qiao
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      An analysis of cracks emanating from an elliptical hole in a rectangular plate subjected to internal pressure is made by means of a boundary element method presented recently by the author.The boundary element method consists of the constant displacement discontinuity element presented by Crouch and Starfield and the crack tip displacement discontinuity elements proposed by the author.In the boundary element implementation the left or the right crack tip displacement discontinuity element is placed locally at corresponding left or right crack tip on top of the constant displacement discontinuity elements that cover the entire crack surface and the other boundaries.The present numerical results further illustrate that the present approach is very effective and accurate for calculating stress intensity factors of complex cracks in a finite plate and can reveal the effect of the cracked body geometry on stress intensity factors.