Hamiltonian symplectic semi-analytical method and its application in anisotropic electromagnetic waveguide
  Revised:December 01, 2003
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KeyWord:Hamilton system,symplectic,semi-analytical method,anisotropic,electromagnetic waveguide
SUN Yan~*  XIE Jun
Hits: 1893
Download times: 12
      Dual vectors are applied in Hamilton system of applied mechanics.Electric and magnetic field vectors are the dual vectors in electromagnetism.In this paper,the Hamilton system method is introduced into the analysis of electromagnetic waveguide problem.Applying the Hamilton system theory in electromagnetic field,symplectic geometry can be used in various anisotropic materials.The transverse electric and magnetic fields compose of the dual.With the Hamilton variational principle,the symplectic semi-analytical equations are derived and preserve their symplectic structures.The numerical example of anisotropic electromagnetic waveguide is given.The symplectic eigenvalues are derived.The dispersion curve of image is obtained.