Study on comparison of particle imitation and mavier-stokes equations numerical simulation for flow in micro-nozzle
  Revised:December 31, 2003
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KeyWord:micro-nozzle,DSMC method,Navier-Stokes equations,flow,
CHEN Wei-fang~*  WANG Quan-li  YIN Le
Hits: 1753
Download times: 11
      At present,micro-spacecrafts are developed.Micro-nozzles are very important in propulsion systems of micro-spacecrafts.So the farther study on micro-nozzles is available.Methods for creating thrusters with very low thrust using micro-nozzles have been actively developed recently.These conditions indicate that low-density effects will dominate the fluid mechanics.The flow in such nozzles is characterized by low Reynolds numbers and,as a consequence,by high viscous losses.Usually there are two methods to simulate the flow in micro-nozzles,DSMC method and Navier-Stokes equations.In this paper,DSMC(Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo)calculations for flow in micro-nozzle with great expand ratio and sharp corner were conducted on molecular-based models.The influence of the total pressure of inlet on the performance of the nozzle is also discussed.The results of DSMC method are compared with the results of Navier-Stokes equations and experiment.The study indicates that DSMC method is better than Navier-Stokes equations when simulating the flows in micro-nozzles.