Dynamic analysis of suspend-dome
  Revised:November 05, 2003
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KeyWord:suspended-dome,dynamic analysis,pre-stress
ZHANG Zhi-hong~1  ZHANG Ming-shan~
Hits: 1951
Download times: 11
      Based on the local analysis method,a preliminary dynamic property & response analysis of suspend-dome is carried out by taking account of the pre-stress as self-equilibrated initial internal force.The basic theory and steps of local analysis method are presented.On the basis of the idea of cutting off the lower cable-bar system from the upper single-layer reticulated shell,the determination of the distribution of the self-equilibrated initial internal force of suspend-dome is simplified.Comprehensive dynamic properties and time history analysis are conducted.While decreasing the stiffness of the upper reticulated structure the effect of pre-stress on the natural frequencies of the whole structure becomes larger.Most of the low-order vibration modes are vertical ones.The fluctuation of the internal force in the cables and bars is not very significant under vertical frequently meeting earthquake(not over 7%) and much smaller under horizontal frequently meeting earthquake.At the same time there is no significant difference between the linear and nonlinear time history analysis.