A new higher-order shear deformation theory based on global-local superposition and refined triangular plate element of composite laminate
  Revised:December 22, 2003
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KeyWord:higher-order shear deformation theory,laminated composite plate,refined triangular plate element,
WU Zhen~*  CHEN Wan-ji~*
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      A new higher-order shear deformation theory based on global-local superposition technique is developed.The global displacement components are of the Reddy theory(1984) while local components are of the local displacement components of the Li X Y 1,2-3 double-superposition theory(1997).The present theory satisfies the free surface conditions and the geometric and stress continuity conditions at interfaces.At the same time,the theory compared with 1,2-3 theory greatly reduces the variables.A refined three-node triangular plate element(9 degrees of freedom in each node) based on new global-local higher-order theory is presented.Numerical results show that the refined triangular plate element is capable to accurately calculate global displacement and interlaminar stress.