A parallel algorithm of high precision direct integration method for structural dynamic response
  Revised:September 08, 2003
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KeyWord:dynamic response,high precision direct integration,parallel algorithm
LI Yuan-yin~1  JIN Xian-long~
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      The parallel algorithms of high precision direct integration methods for structural dynamic responses could be divided into two classes.They were the parallel algorithm based on the particular solution of equations and the direct integration method.The latter could be applied widely because it didn't need the analytic expression of the force vector.The solution consisted of the general solution of homogeneous equations and the integration of the nonhomogeneous term.The integration of the nonhomogeneous term was effectively paralleled by the parallel algorithm based on the direct integration method.But the general solution was calculated in series.A new load distributed strategy was designed and the unbalanced distribution of time steps was implemented.The strategy can decrease the waiting time of the initial value and obtains better speedups than the strategy based on the balanced distribution of time steps.The corresponding proof and a numerical example were given.