4-And 8-node isoparametric elements for finite element analysis of plane cosserat bodies
  Revised:October 17, 2003
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KeyWord:Cosserat theory,isoparametric element,patch test
ZHANG Hong-wu~*  WANG Hui
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      Internal scale of material is not included in the classic continuum theory.It has been found that the finite element results suffer from the pathological mesh dependence in numerical computations while strain-softening models are employed.To overcome the difficulties,Cosserat continuum model,where a rotation degree of freedom and internal length scale parameter are introduced in the classical continuum model,was developed in the past years.In this paper,4-node,8-node and 8(4)-node rectangular isoparametric elements for the solution of boundary value problems in linear isotropic Cosserat elasticity is proposed.Principle and execution of the patch tests for these three kinds of elements are discussed in detail.Patch test for the Cosserat theory is described and applied to validate the finite elements developed.Finally,a more realistic engineering application,i.e.the stress concentration problem around a circular hole in plane strain condition,is computed to test the accuracy of the new kinds of finite elements.