The validation of equivalent sandwich plate method for double-layer space grids by Finite Element Method
  Revised:October 14, 2003
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KeyWord:finite element method,equivalent sandwich plate method,static analysis,natural vibration analysis,stability analysis
ZHANG Wen-fu~
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      Equivalent sandwich plate method (ESPM) is a method for the design of double-layer space grids. By this method the orthogonal and ortho-laid space grids is assumed as orthotropic sandwich plate, and is analyzed by the theory of plate with consideration of shear deformation and three generalized displacements. It has been used more and more widely in practical engineering. But the accuracy of ESPM when used in stability analysis, natural vibration analysis, etc., needs further systematic validation by Finite Element Method (FEM). In this paper double-layer space grids are analyzed by both equivalent sandwich plate method and finite element method. The static analysis of double-layer space grids under distributed loading and local loading, the natural vibration analysis and the stability analysis of three kinds of double-layer space grids have been studied. The comparison with the analysis results of finite element method shows that as a simplified method, equivalent sandwich plate method is very accurate, whose error is less than 5 percent in general. It also indicates that equivalent sandwich plate method can be used in the design of engineering structure because of that the accuracy of equivalent sandwich plate method can be sufficient. Furthermore, it also can be used to check the model of finite element method in general.