Investigation on a tuned mass damper with double frequencies for multi-mode coupled flutter control of long-span bridges
  Revised:September 08, 2003
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KeyWord:long-span bridges,a tuned mass damper with double frequencies,flutter control,multi-mode,coupled flutter
ZENG Xian-wu  HAN Da-jian~*
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Download times: 9
      DTMD is a tuned mass damper with double frequencies. It can simultaneously reduce the vertical and torsional motion of the bridge deck, so it has higher control efficiency compared to the conventional tuned mass damper. Based on multi-mode coupled flutter theory, the flutter differential equations governing the motion of the bridge with DTMD are established. The PK-F method is used to solve the flutter differential equations of the system and a program of DTMD for flutter control and parametric study is also developed. Parametric study on the Yamen cable-stayed bridge is performed to investigate the effectiveness of the DTMD for bridge flutter control and the results are also compared to those of the conventional tuned mass damper. It shows that the DTMD is more effective than the conventional tuned mass damper for flutter control of bridge.\=