Discrete-time variable structure control method for adjacent buildings with time delay in control
  Revised:September 05, 2003
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KeyWord:discrete variable structure control,time-delay in control,adjacent building
JIN Qiao~1  ZHOU Jing~
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      This paper presents a basically-analytical method for semi-active control of seismic responses of adjacent buildings with time-delay in control based on discrete-time variable structure control algorism. Firstly, not only mechanic model but also continuous state equation of motion are set up, which are also discretized and transformed into standard discrete form. Secondly, the design method of discrete variable structure control is discussed, including selection of discrete switching surface and formation of discrete approach-law reaching condition. Lastly, an earthquake-excited tall building with a 12-story tower structure and a 5-story skirt structure is used to validate the analytical method presented. The results of simulated computation imply that, this control method can significantly reduce the seismic 'whiplash effect' of adjacent-buildings, and even under the presence of time-delay in control, it can ensure system performance and stability.