An application of reduced CH4/O2/N2 reaction mechanism on numerical simulation of detonation
  Revised:September 10, 2003
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KeyWord:detonation wave,reduced element reaction,global coupled TVD scheme,numerical simulation,CJ theory
DONG Gang  FAN Bao-chun~*  YE Jing-fang
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      Based on the modified global coupled TVD scheme and the reduced element reaction model, a two-dimensional model of detonation characteristics for premixed combustible mixture was established, and its CFD code was also written. The model was used to simulate the formation and propagation process of detonation wave for premixed CH_4/O_2/N_2 mixture in order to investigate the effect of different initial parameters on the modeling. The computational results show that the model can capture the detonation wave and its reflection accurately, and can also predict the detonation track for the different initial parameters. The computational results were compared to results calculated by CJ detonation theory. The good agreements show that reduced CH_4/O_2/N_2 reaction mechanism presented in this paper is appropriate for predicting the detonation process of premixed CH_4/O_2/N_2 mixture.