Numerical simulation of forward-running detonation drivers for high-enthalpy shock tunnels
  Revised:August 20, 2003
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KeyWord:high-enthalpy shock tunnel,detonation,DCD scheme,two-step chemical reaction model
LIU Chang-li  ZHANG De-liang~*  HU Zong-min  JIANG Zong-lin
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      In this paper the numerical simulations of detonation wave propagation in a tube with a cavity ring are conducted by solving axis-symmetric Euler equations. The Dispersion Controlled Dissipation (DCD) scheme is adopted and the modified two-step chemical reaction model of stoichiometric oxygen-hydrogen mixture is accepted. Two-dimensional Euler equations are used in the cavity ring and one-dimension Euler equations are used in others. The propagation, reflection and focus of the detonation wave are analyzed. The numerical results show that the ratio of the cavity radius to that of detonation tubes plays an important role in detonation wave interaction in the cavity. A strong up-stream traveling shock wave can be formed through detonation wave reflections and shock wave focus, which can elevate the flow pressure that has decreased because of expansions waves effect. Results show also that a steady, long-drawn flow can be got at the end of the shock tube, which contribute to experimentation.