Dynamic response behavior of stiffened delaminated plates considering failure
  Revised:October 17, 2003
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KeyWord:dynamic response,failure behavior,delamination,virtual interface element,stiffened composite plate
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      The paper is to study the dynamic response behavior of the stiffened delaminated composite plates considering failure process. A formula of element stiffness and mass matrices for the composite laminated plate and beam are deduced by using the first-order shear deformation theory. A damping model is constituted on the basis of Rayleigh damping model using Adams' strain energy method (MSE). A delaminated constrained model and a virtual interface element are also developed for avoiding the overlap and penetration phenomenon between the upper and lower sub-laminates at the delamination region. A failure analysis method for the stiffened delaminated plate under dynamic loading is established by Tsai's failure criterion and corresponding reduced stiffness role. By some numerical examples, the effects of frequency of dynamic load, delamination location, and reduction of structure stiffness during the failure process upon dynamic behavior of the delaminated composite laminates are discussed. The method and conclusions would be useful for composite structures designers.