Cracks identification by means of the wavelet analysis
  Revised:September 02, 2003
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KeyWord:wavelet analysis,fundamental mode,lipschitz exponent,crack
REN Yi-chun  YI Wei-jian~*
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      A wavelet-based approach is proposed for crack identification in beam structure. The fundamental vibration mode of a cracked simple-supported beam is analyzed using continuous wavelet transform and both the location and depth of the crack are estimated. The position of the crack is identified by the modulus maximun of the wavelet coefficients. The Lipschits exponent estimated by the wavelet coefficients is used as a useful indicator of the crack depth and it decays with the increase of crack depth. The influence of the crack location and the sampling distance of the vibration mode to Lipschits exponent is also disscussed. The validity of the proposed method is investigated both by analysis and simulations. The simulations show that the noisy data lowers Lipschits exponent but the Lipschits exponent is also in effect as an indicator of the depth of crack when noise is small. The method presented here may also be used to detect several cracks and cracks in other structures.