Electromechanical coupling effects of piezoelectric laminated devices
  Revised:April 02, 2003
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KeyWord:piezoelectric materials,laminated structure,FEM,electromechanical coupling effects
ZHANG Tong~1  MENG Qing-yuan~2  WANG Fu-chi~
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      Piezoelectric sensors and actuators may be considered as multilayer laminated composites consisting of alternating layers of piezoelectric and non-piezoelectric materials. A generalized analytical formulation of mechanical deformations as a function of applied electric field is derived for an arbitrary layout of such laminated cantilever beams. Based on the generalized theory developed, specific formulae for the electromechanical performance of two cantilever microactuator layout geometries, including a single piezo/elastic laminate and a bi-layed one, are derived. In the theory of the electromechanical performance of piezoelectric microactuators, the present model incorporates both d_(211) and d_(222). Furthermore, the finite element of formulation including piezoelectric materials is given. The theoretical predication is evaluated based on a comparison with results of experiments and finite element calculation. The results are in good agreement.