Object-oriented design of parallel finite element method based on PVM
  Revised:May 05, 2003
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KeyWord:finite element method,parallel computing,network of workstations,PVM,object oriented
LI Xiao-jun  ZHU He-hua~*
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      Substructure is a common method used in finite element parallel computing, using object-oriented method, new design of finite element substructure method is first presented in this paper, and its class hierarchy is given. Then based on the network of workstations and the message passing environment PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine), the object-oriented design of substructure method is further extended to parallel finite element computations. A Shadow-Mirror parallel finite element data transfer model based on PVM is then introduced in this paper. In the model, Shadow represents a local process and Mirror represents a remote process which is created by Shadow object. Data transfer process between Shadow and Mirror is realized in an object-oriented way. Data transfer buffer is reserved and short message is merged to decrease the data transfer time in the parallel computing. Performance study results show that the parallel algorithm speed-up is satisfied by using the Shadow-Mirror data transfer model presented in this paper, and with the enlargement of the problem scale, more higher speed-up can be achieved.