Simulation of CMP properties with couple stress
  Revised:May 05, 2003
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KeyWord:chemical mechanical polishing,couple stress,multigrid technique,line relaxation
ZHANG Chao-hui~
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      Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) is a manufacturing process used to achieve the high levels of global and local planarity required, which involves a combination of chemical erosion and mechanical action, and the mechanical removal action of CMP involves hydrodynamic lubrication. Currently, the slurries used in CMP usually contain particles at naml scale to accelerate the removing ratio and to optimize the planarity. It will shed some insights into the mechanism to solve the lubrication equation of CMP with couple stress effect considered. Full approach scheme of multigrid technique incorporated with line relaxation is introduced to accelerate the convergence. The effects on load and moments resulted from variation parameters are simulated and computational results are given.