Identification of structure dynamic parameter based on an immune algorithm
  Revised:May 27, 2003
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KeyWord:immune algorithm,APDL language,identification,accelerated operation
SUN Wan-quan  MA Zhen-yue~*
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      Inspired from the vertebrate immune system, a novel algorithm, the immune algorithm, is proposed. The algorithm avoids the problems of easily appeared precocity, low searching efficiency and low capability to maintain quite nicely the individual diversity. an immune algorithm is applied to the field of the dynamic parameter identification. By calling subprogram of the APDL language and using accelerated operation, the structure dynamic parameters are identified quickly and precisely. The effectiveness?correctness and better ability to resist measurement noises are proved by a numerical example, and the relative error of estimated results is less than 10% even if the relative error of measurement of frequency domain is 30%. The identification precision can satisfy the engineering demand. The method is particularly suitable for parameter identification of large and complex structure.