Study on identification method for structural parameter with incomplete input information
  Revised:May 27, 2003
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KeyWord:system identification,multiple inversion,parameter optimization,unknown input,underground structure
CHEN Jian-yun~*  WANG Jian-you
Hits: 3536
Download times: 8
      The techniques for structure parameter identification with incomplete input information in time domain are studied, and the essence of the Compensation Method for solving such problems is analyzed theoretically. The reason of failure for parameter identification based on Compensation Method is indicated and the convergence criterion for least square iterative procedure is set up, which advances the theoretical study of multiple identification. A new more concise and accurate time domain identification method with incomplete measurements is proposed for inversion of load process and estimating structural parameters. The method consists of two steps and the key link is to categorize structural parameters into two groups in terms of the roles in the reaction to the known load. The proposed two stage method is free from the iteration procedure and the numerical studies show that the proposed approach can effectively identify the structural parameters from incomplete measurements.