Seismic random vibration analysis of bridges with hysteretic nonlinearity
  Revised:May 30, 2003
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KeyWord:hysteretic system,equivalent linearization,pseudo excitation method
ZHAO Yan  LIN Jia-hao~*  GUO Xing-lin
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      For complicated bridge structures with nonlinear shear-type elements, the hysteretic properties of the nonlinear elements are described in the Bouc-Wen differential equation model, and the pseudo excitation method, as a replacement of the conventionally used Lyapunov equation method, was combined with the equivalent linearization scheme to compute the seismic responses due to the stationary random ground excitations. The power spectral density of the seismic excitations can be of white noises or of any kind of non-white noises. This replacement leads not only to a much higher computational efficiency, but also to a good accuracy, in fact, no additional errors are caused due to the use of the pseudo excitation method. In other words, the errors are caused entirely by the equivalent linearization itself. The proposed method was tested by means of the Monte-Carlo simulations for a number of single degree of freedom systems with different initial periods. A four span reinforced concrete bridge was taken as a case study, and the comparisons between the linear and nonlinear analysis show the correctness of the proposed method.