Application of physicall deformable curves to structural shape optimization
  Revised:April 21, 2003
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KeyWord:shape optimization,NURBS curve,finite element method,parameterization
WANG Xue-lin~*  HU Yu-jin  LI Cheng-gang
Hits: 1467
Download times: 11
      An anisotropic energy model of deformable curves is presented to provide shape modification of NURBS curve. The design boundaries is described by a linear combination of the mode shape vectors, which are derived from the eigenvectors of the finite element equations of the deformable design boundary cures. the design boundary deformation is then carried out through changes of the mode coordinates. Based on the present design variable representation and p - version finite element analysis, an integrated approach to structural shape optimization is discussed. A method is developed that enables the description of the shape to be adaptively refined during the shape optimization process. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate the applicability of this approach to structural shape optimization.