Mechanical analysis and optimization of the main truss in Space Solar Telescope
  Revised:April 22, 2003
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KeyWord:space solar telescope,main truss,multi-variable optimization,finite element analysis,engineering optimization
CHEN Zhi-ping~
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      Based on the extraordinary demands of the Space Solar Telescope, mechanical analysis of the main truss by MSC.NASTRAN software is presented. According to sensitivity analysis and optimization design, the optimization model with the constrained conditions of normal modes and the objective function of total weight is established. Considering the characteristics of engineering optimization, various topology structures are put forward and compared, and then their shape optimization and size optimization are implemented. The issues on initial value of multi-variable optimization are also discussed. Determined structure has been reduced 36% in weight after processed in terms of engineering application. Mechanical verification and thermal analysis show that final structure can satisfy the demands of satellite.