Genetic algorithm solutions of parameters optimization for braces with friction energy dissipation under earthquake
  Revised:May 16, 2003
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KeyWord:earthquake wave,braces with friction energy dissipation,frame structure,optimization,genetic algorithm
XU Yu-ye  WANG Quan-feng~*  LUO Yi
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      A new mathematic model of parameters optimization for braces with friction energy dissipation subjected to earthquake is established. The model is characterized with the minimized sum of brace stiffness complied with the codes of story-drift angle limitation in several given earthquake recorders. Therefore, the similar structure anti-seismic requirements can be satisfied with less friction energy dissipation devices. By using Visual C++ Language, a computer program GAOFF is developed to optimize the parameters of braces with friction energy dissipation subjected to several earthquake waves based on genetic algorithm. An example of six-storey-high frame is also illustrated to verify the new model.