Virtual boundary element-equivalent collocation method for plane piezoelectric materials
  Revised:April 10, 2003
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KeyWord:piezoelectricity,virtual boundary element,fundamental solution,collocation method
YAO Wei-an~*,WANG Huiuipment,Department of Engineering Mechanics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116023,China)
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      Based on the fundamental solution of plane piezoelectric problems and the basic thought of the virtual boundary element method for elasticity, this paper presents a virtual boundary element-equivalent collocation method for plane piezoelectric materials. Maintaining the same merits as the conventional boundary element method, this method excludes the singular integral in the conventional boundary element method. In the end, some numerical examples are performed to demonstrate the performance of this method, and are compared with the exact solutions. The results show that this method has higher computational accuracy and is a very effective numerical method.