All hexahedron mesh generation for 3D solid model based on the extended transform templates
  Revised:April 08, 2003
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KeyWord:finite element,mesh generation,hexahedron,template method
GUAN Zhen-qun~*,SHAN Ju-lin,GU Yuan-xian uipment,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China)
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      Based on the basic transform template from tetrahedron to hexahedron; a series of flexible extended transform template to generate all hexahedron mesh for finite element analysis is presented. The number and the density of the hexahedral mesh transformed from the tetrahedral mesh can be controlled using the varied templates and their assemblies. Thus, it is needless that the initial tetrahedron mesh is generated very finely. For the purpose of making the boundary nodes generated by the extended transform templates put on the solid surface accurately, a method of the post-process of mesh is presented based on B-Rep(Boundary Representation). The boundary nodes of tetrahedron mesh have been divided into three types: inside a tetrahedron, on one surface of the solid, and on one edge of the solid. According to different type of boundary mesh nodes, the different mapping methods are employed to modify the coordinates of the newly generated nodes. The methods have been implemented on CAD platform, and integrated with CAE system. Some examples illustrate the method is effective and robust, and the mesh quality is preferable.