Computational simulation of LDL concentration polarization inarterial stenoses under pusatile flow conditions
  Revised:April 14, 2003
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KeyWord:mass transport,concentration polarization,wall shear rate,atherosclerosis
DENG Xiao-yan~
Hits: 1657
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      It has been suspected that the concentration of atherogenic lipids at the luminal surface may vary according to its location in the arterial tree because of regional difference in wall shear rate, blood pressure, and vascular permeability. To substantiate the hypothesis of 'flow-dependent luminal surface lipid concentration' being involved in the localization of atherosclerosis, the transport of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) from flowing blood to the arterial wall in regions of disturbed blood flow distal to arterial stenoses was simulated numerically under both steady-state and pulsatile flow conditions. The analysis predicted that due to the presence of a filtration flow, LDL accumulated at the blood/arterial wall interface, with the highest concentration occurring at the flow separation point situated right distal to the summit of the stenosis constriction. The calculation showed that LDL accumulation in the disturbed flow region was somewhat higher under pulsatile flow than that under the steady-state flow. In addition, the highly concentrated LDL fluid layer in the vicinity of the flow separation point covered a larger area under pulsatile flow than under corresponding steady-state flow. It is therefore believed that the atherogenic lipid transport phenomena revealed in the study should be playing a significant role in atherogenesis in the human circulatory system.